There is nothing quite like the magic associated with a miniature garden, particularly one that’s designed for fairies. Tiny enchanted worlds that bring to life our inner child.
There are no strict rules to creating a fairy garden. Every design will have its own unique elements based on your own interpretations. Best of all it is incredibly easy to do and all you need to do is believe in magic.
A fairy garden home
Making a miniature garden requires a little home from which your new world comes to life.
You could choose a low-lying pot, a small wooden wheelbarrow or a corner of the garden beneath some shady trees. Size and location are up to you.
You could even design your garden to be portable using a woven basket or container.
Miniature furnishings
Selecting miniature garden furnishings is exciting and addictive.
There are so many accessories and figurines to choose from and most garden stores now have areas devoted to mini items so you’ll find they are very accessible.
Everything from fairies, gnomes and park benches to doors and toadstools and homes are on offer so creating your very own themed natural paradise is simply a matter of choosing what catches your eye.
Don’t forget that there may be a few little bits and pieces from in and around your home and garden that could be incorporated too.
Gather some twigs to make a fence, farmyard animals make great pets and upturned shells are cute birdbaths or ponds.
Doll’s house furniture also comes in handy particularly chairs, beds and gorgeous tea party sets.
Fairy garden plants
A garden is not complete without a fantastic selection of greenery and when you are designing a fairy garden, scale is important.
You’ll need to opt for small succulents, herbs such as lavender and a groundcover like moss that not only helps to keep the weeds away but is also soft for tiny fairy feet.
Don’t forget that fairies love pretty flowers too, especially those that have a gorgeous smell. Pansies, snapdragons and primroses are the perfect match. Make sure you include pinks and purples for maximum fairy attraction.
Fairy garden doors
You wouldn't have a house without a front door, and why would you create a beautiful garden for the fairies and not give them the grand entrance they deserve?
Fairy garden doors are a wonderful addition to your fairy garden. They come in all shapes and styles, and some even have tiny little letter boxes where you can leave the fairies a letter and they can leave you a reply.
You can put your fairy garden door inside your garden or you can hide the door in a secret location and the fairies will use their magic to enter the door in one part of the garden and be magically transported to their fairy garden in another.
Making magic
Putting everything together is the most exciting element.
Add a splash of imagination and a sprinkle of glitter to create a unique home. Hang some fairy lights to add another element of magic and put up a sign that says Fairies Live Here.
But what would a fairy garden be without real magic? Fairies don't like to show themselves to humans, but they do leave touches of their magic in the human realm.
Evidence of fairy magic is hidden all around us, if you know where to look, and the perfect example of this hidden magic is found in magic beans. Magic beans are special beans charged with magic that grow to reveal real messages.
If you plant some magic beans for your fairy garden, these talking plants will add a touch of real magic as your kids watch in wonder while the fairy message grows on the side of your plant (or if you don't want a fairy message, there are many others to choose from - such as this bee gift).
We have found magic beans that have grown all sorts of messages such as Fairy, Fairy Flower and Make A Wish.
Caring for your garden requires the same attention your regular plants deserve.
Be sure to water it regularly and a little prune here and there will keep your plants in neat order.
Building a fairy garden for the young, or young at heart is a fabulous activity and something that can become the centre of much enjoyment.
Why not give it a go today?
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