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trade show

7 Cool Giveaway Ideas For Expos, Trade Shows & Conferences

Looking for some clever giveaway ideas for an upcoming expo, trade show or conference? It’s time to look beyond the usual promotional gifts and think effective, memorable, and a wow factor. Here are some cool giveaway ideas to consider. 1. Clothing Often businesses spend a lot of money on giveaways, and it’s usually money down the drain because the products are not targeted to the individual nor do they usually help in making a sale. Have you ever considered clothing? A safe bet is a T-shirt or a cap – these will generally be worn so it helps to generate some publicity. After all,...

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Guide To Corporate Gifting For Small Businesses

Guide To Corporate Gifting For Small Businesses

When you’re an emerging small business owner, getting client attention (or prospective client attention) means competing with bigger businesses with bigger budgets. This means you need to think smart. It’s not just about ticking off having sent our some corporate gifts, it’s about giving your customers something truly memorable at trade shows, at first client meetings, or with their purchase from your eCommerce store. Small Business = Small Budget You might put aside a decent budget for your customer presents but you’re still marketing on a small business budget compared to mega-competitors! If you’re trying to get your product into retail, and you’re allocating...

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man with mug

How To Do Corporate Gifting Well In Australia

Corporate gifts are popular in Australia because they’re a great way to reinforce your company’s name, message or logo with your customers and clients. The world is becoming more and more competitive every day. What better way to keep your name in your customer’s consciousness than with a useful corporate gift? Cost effective marketing Corporate gifts in Australia traditionally are quite cheap per unit, and become more cost-effective the higher volume purchased. The positive sentiment they can produce however, is priceless. Compare a tangible gift to a media marketing campaign, where the gift could last for years, and a newspaper ad...

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customer being appreciated

7 Simple Customer Appreciation Gift Ideas That Work

Whilst saying “thanks” has a nice ring to it, words don’t always carry the strength that actions do. If you’re in the customer service business—and every business is in some degree - how do you show your appreciation to customers?  More importantly, how do you make your “thanks” fun and memorable? Here are some interesting ways to show your customers you appreciate them. You’ll notice some common threads amongst each suggestion.  That’s simply because every method really should not only be relevant and personalised, but noticeable and sincere. 7 Customer Appreciation Gift Ideas Write a note A hand-written note is a rare way of showing...

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